
John Harold Buckley, Post 32


Advertise your business/talents/resources in the Blast and on the Post 32 website!  

If you're a member of American Legion Post 32 and are interested in advertising your business, talents and/or resources, please send the below information to alpost32@gmail.com

Business Name (if applicable) 

Specific services provided

Any limitations (i.e. service area, days available, etc.) and/or important details (i.e. minimum project/cost, wait time, etc.) 

Contact name(s) and information (phone/email/website)


MR. TRACY PERRY, (tepla@juno.com), 303-651-0512 - 40 years experience in public speaking; willing to give the below engaging presentations to interested civic groups. 

James Harold Doolittle:  My boyhood hero and my 1988 brunch with the Doctor, 4-star General, Medal of Honor recipient and master pilot. 1 hour, 15 min
A Brave Sailor:  The story of the speaker's Uncle and his horrible untimely death in a Japanese POW camp in WW II. 1 hour  
The Last Old Soldier:  The speaker's great-grandfather's time in the Civil War. Includes the weapon he carried, 150+ years old. 1 hour 
Honor Flight 2015: A trip to the Nation's Capital in 2015 with a plane full of veterans. 1 hour
A Short History of the West, Part I:  Stories of Western History, including Cattle Kate, Alfred (Alferd) Packer, Pope John Paul II, Chainsaw Maggie. 1 hour
Short History of the West Part II, Ludlow: The bloodiest labor strike in Colorado history, Ludlow, Colorado 1 hr
Short History of the West, Part III: Longmont's triple murder, Amache Detention Camp, IBM/FAA Aircraft accidental deaths. 1 hour

A Long, Long Night: Investigating the mid-air collision near Loveland that killed 15 people in April 1981. 1 hour 
Wichita State Aircraft Accident:  The details and bad decisions behind the crash of a charter flight near Loveland Pass in 1970 that killed 31. 1 hour
The Bombing of United Airlines Flight 629: The details of the first confirmed commercial bombing of an airliner near Longmont in 1955. Forty-five died. 1 hour
Humor in Aviation: The humorous side of aviation; military, private, airliners. 1 hour
En Route Air Traffic Controller: The 'other' side of aviation, from 18+ years 'in the saddle.' 1 hour
Children's Hospital of Colorado: The speaker's experiences over 33 years as a volunteer for the hospital. 1 hour
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Colorado: The speaker's experiences as a 33-year volunteer for Colorado Make-A-Wish. 1 hour
The Day The Music Died: Stories of aircraft fatalities causing well-known people to lose their lives due to pilot errors. 1 hour 15


EQUIPMENT A-Z SERVICES LLC - Earl R. Bergland, Executive Manager, Longmont CO, Email: erb5@yahoo.com Phone: 303-564-1499


JPAR MODERN REAL ESTATE - Daniel Kuhlman, REALTOR®,720-421-9614, danielkuhlman@jpar.nethttps://tinyurl.com/American-Legion-realtor

I am a full service residential and commercial Realtor® serving Longmont and the northern Front Range foothills area from I-70 to Fort Collins. I am also a former paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and Nebraska National Guard LRS. 

Buying a home?

Selling a home?
